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ET 500 Gate Motor Troubleshooting Guide and Troubleshooting Manual PDF


ET 500 Gate Motor Troubleshooting Guide

Displayed On ScreenDefinitionSolution
AC mon disabledAC power monitoring disabled by the installerOnly use when installing a separate charger system
Address used <NO replace YES>Selected address is already used by another remote, would you like to replace it?If yes is selected, the new code will overwrite the current code in memory
Alarm ActivatedThe alarm output has been activatedClear alarm condition
Aux voltage highAuxiliary 12v output is too highHardware error or external connection supplying higher voltage
Aux voltage lowAuxiliary 12v output is too lowHardware error or external connection drawing too much current
Backing OffMotor backing off slightly after overload to prevent gear system jamming upRemove physical obstruction
BAT voltage highThe battery voltage is out of specification – too highMost likely due to a charger fault external connection supplying higher voltage
Battery shortThere is a short on the battery outputFaulty battery or battery wiring
Beam interruptedGate action caused by the beam being interruptedClear gate area to close gate
Brown out ResetProcessor reset due to low supply voltageCheck power supplies for low power failings
Charg supply lowThe supply voltage is too low for the charger to operate correctlyCharger requires a minimum of 16V primary supply
Charger disabledCharger disabled by the installerChange if necessary
Check beamsPossible error on the beam circuit preventing gate auto-close in PED modeClear gate area, repair beams or beam wiring
Close Run OvloadA current overload occurred during the full speed portion of travel while the gate was closingRemove physical obstruction
Close Slo OvloadA current overload occurred during the crawl portion of travel while the gate was closingRemove physical obstruction
Close Stall(enc)The gate stalled (encoder counting no longer detected) while closingRemove physical binding
Collision LckoutMore than 4 collisions detected in a row, 10s timer prevents subsequent triggersRemove physical obstruction
Condominium Mode Lock not allowedHoliday lockout not allowed in Condominium modeChange BT mode to a mode that allows holiday lockout
Crawl distance = 0mmCrawl distance is the distance the gate runs as slow speed at either end, longer crawl improves safetyUse longer crawl distances for heavier free moving gates
Enable beam for auto-closeauto-close cannot be used without beamsThis is for safety, an IEC requirement
Encoder errorThere was an error detecting the motor encoderEnsure control card and ring magnet are securely fastened
Erase address Comms ErrorNo data seen on RFIf persistent, bring control card in for repair
Erase ALL Comms ErrorAn error occurred when trying to communicate to the receiver moduleIf persistent, bring control card in for repair
PSU voltage highThe PSU supply voltage is out of specification – too highCheck mains input is < 245Vac
QC test passedQuality Control test was passedContinue to use system as per normal
Ramp Open StallThe gate stalled while ramping up in the open directionRemove physical obstruction
Remote not LearntLearning errorCheck that you are using a matching frequency ET Blue or ET BLU MIX transmitter that is functional
Restore settingsBacked up settings were restoredRefer to Page 30
Run-time NOT setPlease perform a runtime setup before attempting to run the gateRefer to Page 18
Finding limitGate is closing looking for the closed limitAllow gate to continue all the way closed
Set Limit before Ped distanceThe PED distance cannot be set before the runtime setup has been completedRefer to Page 18
Signal: Not recognisedUnknown ET Blue or BluMix TX detectedProgram the remote button into the receiver memory. Refer to Page 22
Software ResetProcessor reset due to a software commandContinue scrolling through log
StandbyMotor in standby, everything operating normallyContinue to use the system as normal
TRAP ResetProcessor reset due to a software errorIf persistent, bring control card in for repair
TX already in memoryRemote already in memory, button learnt but at a different addressEach remote can only occupy 1 memory address
Watchdog ResetProcessor reset due to a software errorIf persistent, bring control card in for repair
PSU voltage highThe PSU supply voltage is out of specification – too highCheck mains input is < 245Vac
QC test passedQuality Control test was passedContinue to use system as per normal
Ramp Open StallThe gate stalled while ramping up in the open directionRemove physical obstruction
Remote not LearntLearning errorCheck that you are using a matching frequency ET Blue or ET BLU MIX transmitter that is functional
Restore settingsBacked up settings were restoredRefer to Page 30
Run-time NOT setPlease perform a runtime setup before attempting to run the gateRefer to Page 18
Finding limitGate is closing looking for the closed limitAllow gate to continue all the way closed
Set Limit before Ped distanceThe PED distance cannot be set before the runtime setup has been completedRefer to Page 18
Signal: Not recognisedUnknown ET Blue or BluMix TX detectedProgram the remote button into the receiver memory. Refer to Page 22
Software ResetProcessor reset due to a software commandContinue scrolling through log
StandbyMotor in standby, everything operating normallyContinue to use the system as normal
TRAP ResetProcessor reset due to a software errorIf persistent, bring control card in for repair
TX already in memoryRemote already in memory, button learnt but at a different addressEach remote can only occupy 1 memory address
Watchdog ResetProcessor reset due to a software errorIf persistent, bring control card in for repair
ERROR: BAT voltage too highBAT voltage high error. (when trying to run gate)The BAT voltage is too high and may cause damage to the motor drive circuitry
ERROR: No PSU or BatteryOnly low current power supply available. No PSU or battery attachedCheck wiring
ERROR: PSU voltage too highPSU voltage high error. (when trying to run gate)The PSU voltage is too high and may cause damage to the motor drive circuitry. Check 220Vac supply
ERROR: RF commsNo data seen on RFIf persistent, bring control card in for repair
Factory ResetA factory reset was performedReconfigure control card programming and setup
Find LimitThe gate is searching for the limitAllow gate to continue all the way closed
Finding closed limitGate is running slowly to the closed limitAllow gate to continue all the way closed
Flash mem error Reprogram boardFlash memory corrupt, reprogram the boardBring control card in for repair
Gate re-profile requiredThe gate run-time setup needs to be re-doneThis is required when changing parameters that affect how the gate runs and hence the overload sensing
Holiday LOCKEDHoliday Lockout enabledDeactivate as per page 43
IEC Mode Error No BeamsIEC mode has been enabled but there is an errorBeams have been removed after enabling IEC mode, repair beam circuit

Still, struggling with your gate motor installation after following these instructions? Contact Pro Gate Motor today and get help today from a trusted partner in your area!

ET 500 Gate Motor Troubleshooting Videos

ET 500 Gate Motor Troubleshooting Manual PDF 

Below you will find a link to the Troubleshooting Manual that can be found on page 49, 50 and 51 of the Installation Manual

ET 500 Gate Motor Installation Manual with Troubleshooting Manual PDF

Still, struggling with your gate motor installation after following these instructions? Contact Pro Gate Motor today and get help today from a trusted partner in your area!

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